A publication exploring the intersection of everyday life and biblical faith.

Ever since I first sat at my parents typewriter, watching the letters pass through inked ribbon just to leave their mark on the virgin paper, I knew I wanted to write. My room filled with notebooks, half finished, some never really started (much to my mothers chagrin) - I just had to surround myself with paper and words.

While the typewriter now lies in storage the words keep flowing, diaries keep getting filled, stories continue to spin and dreams continue to dance in the background of my thoughts.

While I write poems and stories and hope to publish novels one day, most of my writing is diary writing, contemplative - of self, faith and the world around.

Thomas Merton, an American Trappist Monk, defined Contemplation as this:

Finding the place in you where you are here and now being created by God.

This quote gives me chills.

It's an invitation to me, to all of us, to slow down. To look up or out or within. To allow the Holy Spirit to do His job leading us further into life - the flourishing life found in Christ.

The Imago Diaries is my pursuit of a contemplation that leads to flourishing.

A Prayer

My dearest Sonnet Maker,

May my meek words and fairy-tale heart
seek Yours in all.

Every flourish,
every stroke of ink on virgin paper;
may all cry of Your Love,
may all sing of Your beauty,

O Lord of Living Poetry.

With so much love,
x Zara

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A place for contemplation. A collection of poetry, short stories and contemplations exploring life, faith and the world around us.


Contemplative and poetic writer | Author of 'Of Love and Lilac' — Sydney, Australia