Outstanding job! You have put a lot of time and effort into all of this! I read every day and share the word everyday. It looks like you are doing the same and that is truly amazing! The Word of God has really transformed my life. I know it will do the same for others! I am going to print your plan and follow along. Thank you so much for your time and dedication to this. Let’s all read together! Stay blessed 🙏🏻
It was great to "meet" you and hear your voice. I have printed out your Bible reading plan and will start it in the new year. Thank you! I would love more videos. :) Maybe what you're learning in your own personal Bible study?
Thank you so much Stephanie, that means so much! I’m actually thinking about starting a reading group/book club for those following the plan. I think that will help us all stick to it (myself included) 😂 So keep an eye out for that 😊✨
Outstanding job! You have put a lot of time and effort into all of this! I read every day and share the word everyday. It looks like you are doing the same and that is truly amazing! The Word of God has really transformed my life. I know it will do the same for others! I am going to print your plan and follow along. Thank you so much for your time and dedication to this. Let’s all read together! Stay blessed 🙏🏻
Hi Zara, I agree that for indepth bible study, three chaphters a day is too much except one is has four to five hours to spend on it every day.
I did read the bible a few years ago, but have got more out of it if I had a plan like yours.
Your video was informative and I look forward to reading your other posts
It was great to "meet" you and hear your voice. I have printed out your Bible reading plan and will start it in the new year. Thank you! I would love more videos. :) Maybe what you're learning in your own personal Bible study?
Thank you so much Stephanie, that means so much! I’m actually thinking about starting a reading group/book club for those following the plan. I think that will help us all stick to it (myself included) 😂 So keep an eye out for that 😊✨